Sushi in San Francisco at Sushi Zone
My local friends, Sara and Chris, really swore by Sushi Zone. I am obsessed with sushi, and there is only so high of quality sushi one can find in the Midwest and Latin America, the two places I have spent most of my life. I knew San Francisco would not disappoint me.
Sushi Zone is a tiny little restaurant… Continue reading
San Francisco Photo Essay
I took hundreds of photos during my week in San Francisco. You will be seeing a lot of them in my posts about specifics sites and activities, but I still had several leftover that didn’t quite fit anywhere. Here are some of my favorites that I feel capture the beauty and personality of San Francisco quite well.

Powell Street… Continue reading
Sweet treats in San Francisco at Charles Chocolates
Leave it to my friend Sara to discover a business that specializes in fancy chocolates. One day, when we decided to take a break from ice cream (and by take a break I mean save for later in the day) we headed to Charles Chocolates.
Now, I like chocolate, but I wouldn’t say I’m as obsessed with chocolate as… Continue reading
A Ride in a San Francisco GoCar
I first heard of the GO Car when I was in Miami, but I never got a chance to use it. So when I saw it was also available in San Francisco, I figured I really needed to make this whole “Go Cart on the real road” thing happen.
How Go Car works
So these yellow Go Carts… Continue reading
The Ethnically Ambiguous Presidential Terrorist
Ever since I can remember, I have been targeted for special airport security screenings. Actually, let’s be real, I’m targeted for special screening in real life all the time.
I’m an ethnically ambiguous girl that has a penchant for the alternative.
For most close-minded people, that means I’m a freak from a unknown country (but probably one they hate)
Burma Superstar: The Powerful Taste of Burma in San Francisco
After biking the Golden Gate Bridge, my friend Sara and I were obviously famished. She shared my absolute need of food to prevent extreme crabbiness, as well as my love of strange spices. When she hopped on her Yelp and saw that Burma Superstar was nearby, she asked me if I liked Burmese food.