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Iguanapocalypse AKA My life in Puerto Rico

So, if any of you follow me on Instagram, you will probably know that I live in a house that is more or less an iguana sanctuary. I mean, not the actual interior of my home, but my yard, roof, and garage are generally teeming with these guys. There are lots of iguanas in Puerto Rico, and they all… Continue reading

Padfoot the Reluctant Traveler

I call myself an indecisive traveler because I don’t like to choose just one place to travel, one job to work, or even one place to eat. My dog, Padfoot, however, is more of a Reluctant Traveler than anything else. Maybe some of you travelers and/or pet lovers can understand my struggle. How far would you go to stay with… Continue reading

Paperwork and Liars: Getting My Dog out of Argentina (Part 1)

When I told people I was leaving the US to move to Buenos Aires, Argentina, most of them thought I was crazy. When I added that my half-brained dog, Padfoot, would be coming with me, they thought I had snapped completely. You can read all about the insane adventure (read: stressful nightmare) that he and I went through to arrive… Continue reading
