Why I Will Never Be Fully Satisfied Anywhere, Ever
Happy New Year everyone! Instead of making a New Year’s Resolution, I’m just taking a closer look at one of my personality flaws, and seeing how travel helps it.
I was born and raised in the midwest. Technically, I’m from the city St. Louis, Missouri, as I was born there, but I moved into the suburbs when I was still… Continue reading
5 Must Try Foods in Argentina
I lived in Argentina for nearly two years, and traveled there a few times before that. I adore Argentina for many reasons, but, to be completely honest, I was never too terribly impressed with food in Argentina, overall. I love to eat, so that’s certainly saying something. While I don’t think Argentina is an amazing culinary destination, I can definitely… Continue reading
Christmas Cookies: I’ll Be Home For Christmas!
I spent the last 2 Christmases in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I do not have a big family and Christmas Day is usually not all that exciting, so it wasn’t on December 25th when I felt horribly homesick. It was 2 weeks before, when I should have been home with my Mama baking thousands of cookies.
Tradition hit me hard abroad… Continue reading
One Month of Sky Zone Skyrobics Classes
Not too long ago I revisited Sky Zone, an awesome indoor trampoline park in St. Louis. They also exist in several other US cities, so check their site to see if there is one near you. My last post was just about Sky Zone in general, but for this post I’ll be focusing on their fitness classes, also known… Continue reading
How to Get the Cheapest Flights to South America
When I was living in Buenos Aires, I was appalled by the flight prices between Buenos Aires and basically anywhere else. Most people think that since Buenos Aires is such a popular city, flying into Buenos Aires is the best way to get into South America. Wrong. People often asked me what their best options were for flying into… Continue reading
10 Facts about Argentine Ice Cream
While I was tempted to just make a list with photos of myself gorging on ice cream, I thought I would give you guys some legitimate ice cream facts. I found some of these in the book, El Libro de Oro del Helado Argentino, which was a gift given to me by my amazing friend Magu.

El libro de… Continue reading