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Sampling the food of India

Please enjoy this guest post about India, a destination I have not yet reached but hope to someday. 

If you’re travelling to India then the food is certainly something to look forward to. India has such a vast array of regional cuisines that it’s tricky to sum the nation’s cooking up in just one post but that’s my mission… Continue reading

Lunch in San Francisco: Samovar Tea Lounge

My first lunch in San Francisco really set the bar high. Of course, the city did not disappoint, as you will see throughout the next few weeks as I feature some of my favorites dishes from this wonderfully delicious city. But first, let me tell you all about Samovar Tea Lounge.

The main reason my friend Sara took me… Continue reading

Get Your Buen Provecho Ready!

I swear this post is about Puerto Rican food, but allow me to spin you a quick little tale first.

In case you didn’t know this, buen provecho is Spanish for bon appetit. Sidenote: isn’t it weird that there is no English phrase for this? As if we’re so lazy that we can’t even come up with “enjoy… Continue reading

Alcapurria in Puerto Rico

I’d say at least 50% of my time in Puerto Rico was spent eating. I met almost every single person in Pedro’s family, and every single one of them wanted to feed me. Clearly, this is my kind of country/family. One of my favorite dishes that a family member served me was an alcapurria.

So What’s an… Continue reading

Fast Food While Traveling: Is it ever acceptable?

I’m pretty anti-fast food no matter where I am. I am lucky enough not to list fast food as one of my personal vices. Honestly, the budget-priced “food” does not really tempt me. However, I know there is the argument that sometimes, when traveling, fast food from back home is just the thing you need to cure your homesickness. Well,… Continue reading

What is a Pincho?

What is a pincho? Pincho is yet another Puerto Rican term that can be very confusing for anyone who has learned Spanish elsewhere. You see, in Peruvian Spanish, pincho refers to a man’s penis (in a not-so-classy way). While the similiar term, pinche is basically an all-purpose curse word in Mexico. So, for obvious reasons, I was expected… Continue reading
