Times Square: The Glowing Place We Love to Hate
Local New Yorkers tend to hate Times Square. This major commercial area in Manhattan is always lit-up, constantly crowded, and, of course, a huge tourist attraction. Everyone has heard New Yorkers gripe about it, or even travelers who have visited New York several times. It’s as if going to Times Square automatically stamps you as a lame tourist. Go ahead and buy your visors and running shoes, and pull out that map the size of an eagle’s wing-span – you’re officially a total square.
You should go anyway
Screw all the haters, Times Square may be cheesy, crowded, and, yes, a tourist trap, but things become famous for a reason. Don’t be a pretentious traveler and avoid Times Square just so you can feel like a local. Locals have seen it too. Walking through Times Square at night is an experience worth having. It’s surreal to see your shadow at midnight due to the brightly lit buildings and it’s incredible how crowded this area is any time of the day or night.
It’s just for fun
Times Square isn’t going to change your life. You will not feel as if you had a spiritual experience, learned something incredible about ancient culture, or anything that deep. But you know what? It’s still fun. It’s hilarious to see superheros and Hello Kitties running around. The people watching is some of the best in the city. You can buy some roasted nuts, go shopping at one of the massive stores that stay open late, or get a caricature done. Just walk around, take in the sights, and enjoy yourself.
Let yourself be a tourist
Embrace the cheesiness. You know you want to. I know I did!

Hell yes, I got a caricature. Apparently Pedro has to pay me for my ass-shaking moves. Maybe the guy thought I was a stripper?

Yes, it took several tries to get this photo without someone walking in front of it. And yes, it was worth it!