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Best Bookstores in New Orleans French Quarter

I never thought New Orleans would be a heaven for a booknerd, but I could not have been more wrong. Just outside the drunken streets full of bright colors, loud noises, and partying, there is a treasure trove of new and used books just waiting to weigh down your suitcase.

After New Orleans, I made a pact with myself to… Continue reading

Healthy Options in the French Quarter

The French Quarter is not a place known for its healthy choices, whether it be for food, drink, or general life decisions. But for those of you past the age of 21 spending more than a couple days in the French Quarter, you’ll probably want to take a little break from all the sugary drinks, carb-loaded beer, and questionable pizza… Continue reading

Everybody Pukes: A Tale of Two Cities

I could write so many beautiful and eloquent essays about the differences and similarities between the two big cities of New York and London, but I honestly think these tales of people vomiting illustrate the differences pretty damn well.

Everybody Pukes: A Tale of Two Cities


While standing in a London train station, I heard a strange sound. I looked around and realized a man was… Continue reading

Iguanapocalypse AKA My life in Puerto Rico

So, if any of you follow me on Instagram, you will probably know that I live in a house that is more or less an iguana sanctuary. I mean, not the actual interior of my home, but my yard, roof, and garage are generally teeming with these guys. There are lots of iguanas in Puerto Rico, and they all… Continue reading

My second appearance on the EveryIst Podcast

This Christmas season was crazy. I flew to St. Louis to celebrate my Cookie Weekend tradition with my mom and on my way back to Puerto Rico I spent a few days in Miami with my BFF from my Argentina days, Jorge. While there, we recorded a podcast, making this my second appearance on his show! (The first one is… Continue reading

That one time I moved to Puerto Rico

I moved to Puerto Rico!

And then I promptly fell of the face of the earth, blog wise.

I apologize, but becoming a (pseudo) expat in Puerto Rico was WAY more stressful than I had anticipated. I figured that after moving to Argentina completely on my own, moving to Puerto Rico (which is still a part of the US and… Continue reading
