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I received hate mail! Am I famous now?

by Rease Kirchner

I’d like to dedicate this post to all the sad, poorly educated people perusing the internet.

I received some hate mail! Well, it was actually a hate Facebook message from a completely random Argentine. I’d like to showcase these messages here and also show you how grammar and spelling seem to be a great challenge for the current generation, regardless of location.

The hate mail

Message 1: “volve a misuri”

Grammatically correct version: Volvé a Misuri”

Translation: Go back to Missouri”

Message 2: “odio a los jankis , y a las malditas perras que bien de otros paises a querer jusgarnos , cuando no pueden ser feliz en sus propios paises volvetet a tu pais bolita de mierdaperra arrastrada “

Grammatically correct version: “Odio a los yankis y a las malditas perras que vienen de otros paises a querer juzgarnos cuando no pueden ser felices en sus propios paises. Volvéte a tu pais bolita de mierda, perra arrastrada.”

Translation: I hate yankees and the fucking bitches that come from other countries to want to judge us when they can’t be happy in their own countries. Go back to your country little ball of shit, dragged/groveling/lame bitch.

My first reaction was to replyViné a tu país para ayudar a pobres idiotas como vos hablar en su propio idioma”
Translation: “I came to your country to help poor idiots like you speak in your own language.

My reaction

However, I took a moment to think about the effort this random person put into these hate messages. He must have spent time searching for people in Buenos Aires with foreign hometowns. My profile is private, so all he would see is my hometown, current city and profile photo. He then spent the time to scribble out a poorly spelled message to tell me to go back to Missouri. After that message he must have spent some time steaming and simply fuming over the audacity of my decision to invade his country and then decided he needed to write yet another message.

So here’s to you, Fabian Santillan. Sadly, for you, I will not be leaving your country any time soon. I can actually be happy in multiple countries, while you seem to be unable to be happy in any place at any time. Thanks for spending so much time to express your feelings. I didn’t come here to judge the citizens of this country, but I certainly had a good time judging you. Thanks for the laugh!

Rease is a US citizen currently living the ex-pat life in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is bilingual and an experienced traveler. She loves gaining and sharing knowledge of local cultures, customs and adventure.

Photo credits:
Mailboxes by Andy Castro
Facebook by West McGowan

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