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Alex vs. Rease: Mexican Standoff

by Rease Kirchner and Alex Ritter
Creative Commons photo by Schlaeger

If you frequent our site, you might have a pretty good idea of who I (Rease) am and also who Emily is, but I feel as if many of you may be be wondering- who is this Alex character? His photo is labeled “founder” on the Meet Us page, but he seems to be a very behind-the-scenes type of guy. While I can assure you that Alex is very involved with Travelated, I think you should all get the chance to find out a little bit about him. So here’s something that we of Travelated are both amused and slightly embarrassed by:

Alex is Afraid of Mexico

Yep, it’s true. Seeing as I have been to Mexico and absolutely adore it, Alex and I have had many an argument about this lovely country. We decided it would be best to hone in on his main fears and allow me to defend Mexico. So, here you have it. Below are Alex’s fears followed by my rational explanations of why he is wrong.

Alex’s Fear Number 1:

I might get caught in a Drug Cartel shootout. All I see, read, or hear about Mexico are horror stories centered around the Drug Cartels executing people near the border. I don’t think it is out of the realm of possibilities that I might end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. This is just one example of what I am talking about.


Where exactly do you think you are going? Down a dark, dirty alley in a gang war movie? Yes, drug cartels exist in Mexico and there are shootings in the streets, I cannot deny that.  However, that doesn’t mean you are in danger in all parts of the entire country. As of right  now, cities like Juarez and Mexico City are not the safest places to visit but hey, there are cities in the US that I wouldn’t recommend spending a weekend in either. Also, with your shaved blonde head and pale, skinny physique I doubt any drug lord is going to mistake you for one of their enemies.

Alex’s Fear Number 2:

I might get dysentery from drinking the water, or from eating the food. I’ve been pushed to the brink of death by buffets in the US, and we have a health department that is set up to protect us from exactly that. As a self confessed germ-o-phobe, I cringe at the thought of what I might be eating.


You can get dysentery from eating a shrimp taco from Del Taco, a place I have heard you defend on more than one occasion. I spent 3 weeks eating large amounts of street food fried up in pools of grease and all I suffered from was a more intense workout routine when I got home. The tap water is not safe to drink, but that doesn’t mean flesh-burning acid comes out of the faucets or anything that dramatic. Bottled water is cheap and available everywhere. Most countries outside the US won’t serve you tap water in restaurants anyway, so buying in in Mexico is not any extra inconvenience.

Alex’s Fear Number 3:

I might be forced to be a drug mule, or someone might plant drugs on me without my knowledge. Customs agents will have no sympathy if this happens. I’ll be locked away for life.


You watch too many movies. Take a look in the mirror-  you really think a guy like you is someone a drug trafficker thinks could play it cool while going through customs with drugs? Anyone who is working in drug trafficking really likes their money and is not about to waste high quality drugs on someone who is likely to get caught. Drug mules are either people who are a part of the business or someone who is desperate to get into another country. You are neither.

Alex’s Fear Number 4:

All of the Mexicans will hate me and assume I am a stupid gringo. I fully understand that my assumption is exactly the kind of assumption I fear they will make about me. It’s a paradox, and it is frightening. Basically, I just don’t get the sense that I would be welcome in Mexico.


Well, maybe if they read this article first. Honestly though, Mexicans are incredibly laid back and friendly. They are not easily offended or overly judgmental as long as you extend the same courtesy to them. Business owners recognize that tourists really help out their business and locals are happy to recommend restaurants, give directions or anything else you need. Gringos are part of the scenery. It’s very likely that you will be charged unfair prices and taken advantage of, but that’s true of tourists in any country. As long as you don’t walk through the streets waving a confederate flag while wearing a George W. Bush T-shirt you are not likely to run into any hostility.

Ding Ding Ding! End of Round 1

I’m the one posting this so I have the power to say I win. I’m curious if you have anything to add? Emily and I are determined to rid Alex of his fear of Mexico, or at the very least trick him into going and then video tape his horrified reaction. Stay tuned for more Alex vs. Rease posts!

Note from Alex: Please note that these fears are exaggerated for entertainment purposes.

Rease Kirchner a staff writer/Travel Advisor for Travelated. She is a US citizen currently living the ex-pat life in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is bilingual and an experienced traveler. She loves gaining and sharing knowledge of local cultures, customs and adventure. Her blog Mi Vida en Buenos Aires documents her life as a foreigner.

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