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Spanish in Argentina: The Vos Form

Spanish is different in every Spanish speaking country. Each one has its own slang and accent, and some even have some extra verb forms you might not have heard of before. Argentina is one of those extra tricky countries. Spanish in Argentina has a lot of unique aspects, but perhaps the most notable difference is their use of the “vos” form.

Vos is a casual “you” form

Do not confuse “vos” with “vosotros.” Vosotros is the informal plural for “you”, as in, “you all,” and is native to Spain. The “vos” form, on the other hand, is an informal singular form for “you.” Textbooks will teach you the “tú” form, but it is not widely used in Argentina. It is much more common to hear “vos,” so if you plan on spending any time in Argentina, it’s a good idea to have a basic understanding on how it works.

Quick Vos Conjugation Guide

Vos is similar to the Tú form, but the accent is placed on the last syllable.
Tú comes becomes Vos comés (You eat)

There are also no stem changers in the Vos form (hallelujah!)
Tú tienes becomes Vos tenés (You have)

Vos commands put the accent on the final syllable as well.
Cómelo becomes Comélo (Eat it)

Remember, there are no stem changers in the vos form, so all of those irregular tú commands follow the vos rules:
Sal becomes Salí (get out/go out)
Ven becomes Vení (Come)
Ten becomes Tené

Important notes:

  • Ir (to go) cannot be conjugated in the vos form, so the word andá, which means the same thing, is used instead.
  • The verb ser (to be) is irregular in the vos form, so instead of “tú eres” it is “vos sos.”
Obviously, this is a very basic rundown of the conjugation. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments!


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