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Three Places to Take a Break from Steak in Buenos Aires

 Buenos Aires is not exactly known for its fresh greens. Most traditional Argentine restaurants will pile your plate high with steak, fill your glass with Malbec, and toss in some potatoes for good measure. You’d be lucky to get a bit of shredded lettuce on the side for a “salad.” While I’m certainly not knocking red wine and steak,… Continue reading

Weird Ice Cream: Part 2, Mexico

I don’t think there is an ice cream flavor in existence that I am not interested in trying. While there have been some disappointments (such as a flavor with actual popcorn, or a garlic flavor), I am usually pleasantly surprised at how flavors that may sound strange actually turn out to be awesome. (See Weird Ice Cream Part 1,… Continue reading

Eating My Way Through Baja California

 I know most photo essays are all about gorgeous views and beautiful scenery, but I decided to make this one all about food. During my 5 day trip to Baja California, Mexico, I ate a lot of incredible stuff, some of it traditional, some of it less than so, but pretty much all of it was incredible. I’m leaving… Continue reading

Drunk All Day The Classy Way

You may be asking yourself, is there truly a way to be drunk yet classy? The answer is yes, and I’m here to tell you my secret.

Wine tasting

You tell someone you are going to spend the day drinking 20 different kinds of vodka, you sound like a college frat boy who is more likely to get sick than… Continue reading
